A Very Merry Christmas to all…but be safe, and
count your blessings!

Something about holidays makes our vulnerabilities surface
more than on days of normal routine. Myths perpetrated by elf-riddled movies
and glowing advertisements of limitless bounty only make it worse, for those
who cannot deliver. The holidays tend to spotlight the imperfections in our
lives, rather than focus on all that we have. So the suffering becomes sharper,
hearts break, tempers bust, bodies break and lives shatter.
The holiday season should be for us all. Those of us with
imperfect lives need a holiday, too, and I’m sure that means all of us. It
should be a time that opens community-wide arms to welcome the sad as well
as the glad, the homeless as well as the wealthy, the 99 as well as the 1, the old
and those who are ill… as well as the young, beautiful and vibrant. It should be a
time that gives new hope to the well situated and luck to those down on their
luck. After all, the lucky today may very well be the unlucky tomorrow.
If life were fair, we would all rise up on our good deeds and hard work. Life is not fair. Sometimes those who do everything right can have everything go wrong by chance and circumstance. Sometimes our days are surprisingly warm and mild, but some days it rains.
If life were fair, we would all rise up on our good deeds and hard work. Life is not fair. Sometimes those who do everything right can have everything go wrong by chance and circumstance. Sometimes our days are surprisingly warm and mild, but some days it rains.
A New Year has come again. New challenges, new people, new
experiences…but will it really be New? People hope that the New Year will be
better than the last one, but they carry around something that is not new…
That appears to be a “Well duh, yes…Judy,” moment, but really
it’s not. Things don’t tend to happen unless you do something to change your behavior,
your outlook on life…you need to change YOU.
If I look at my life objectively, I can see all the things that
have gone wrong or failed, and I’m the common denominator. Of course there are
things that happened due to bad luck, sheer idiocy, naiveté, lack of
understanding my own self-worth and of course…stubbornness. J
It’s easier to view other people’s oblivious destruction that
they wreak upon themselves and the lives of those around them. If things are
habitually wrong, YOU need to look in the mirror and decide what responsibility
you have in the whole mess.
Someone said that the definition of insanity is
to do the same thing over and over, while expecting a different result.
Rules for Life:
Thoughts become things, so think good things!
Never say Never!
Live with intention!
Listen well!
Do what I love!
Trust my gut instincts. There are usually right!
Believe in my abilities and myself! Don’t listen to the
I hope you have a very Happy and Prosperous 2012. Take the
time to examine your year of 2011 and see what New Rules for Life you can make for
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