Hannibal, MO. We wanted to experience Mark Twain’s (Samuel Clemens) homeland & hoped to inherit a bit of his muse while we were there. We found his boyhood home after educating ourselves about his traumatic life. Then the rainstorms began. So, we headed out of Hannibal in a downpour.
My Honey was snoozing in the passenger’s seat while I drove the “Ghost.” My mind was deep in thought of Mark Twain's interesting life.
At that moment, an old man wearing a brown hoodie began to crawl across the highway.
I hit the brakes & right before
my eyes, the man turned into a slinking coyote. The animal slipped back
into the brush beside the road, just as two motorcyclists passed me going way
too fast.
I had to believe the "old man" was a vision sent to me by Mark Twain's spirit.
I had to believe the "old man" was a vision sent to me by Mark Twain's spirit.

"But…but…it looked like an old man crawling onto the road." (And to myself, I thought, it was Mark Twain warning me.)
"Besides," I pleaded, "I saved two bike riders from a fatal accident. The old man would have flipped them over like dominoes."
I want to believe that Mark Twain caused me to brake for that old man. The biker's were not supposed to slam into that coyote & die that day.
After all, Twain had foreseen his brother's death & that inspired his interest in parapsychology. He believed in spirits, apparitions, and afterlife.
"So there, Honey!"
After all, Twain had foreseen his brother's death & that inspired his interest in parapsychology. He believed in spirits, apparitions, and afterlife.
"So there, Honey!"
Clemens was
born in 1835 during a passing of Haley’s comet, & he died in 1910, two
weeks after Haley’s comet passed again. He was a typesetter for newspapers
before becoming a riverboat pilot on the Mississippi River. His pen name, Mark
Twain, is a term for a measured river depth of two
After his
brother was killed in a riverboat explosion, Twain decided it was a sign to quit that profession & try his luck at
gold mining.
Near Angels
Camp, CA, on Jackass Hill, he wrote a humorous story, “The Celebrated Jumping
Frog of Calaveras County.” It became popular nationwide & soon the Jumping
Frog Jubilee began. The first one was in 1893, in Copperopolis, CA, (where
my brother lives today…& I believe competes in the frog jumping.) The event
soon found a permanent home in Angels Camp.

I'd like to
return to Hannibal, MO & take a river cruise that is depicted to
flow by the sites in Mark Twain’s novels. And to visit Becky Thatcher's home & maybe Unsinkable Molly Brown's abode, but I hesitate… the
memory of that hooded old man slinking onto the highway, causes me to shudder.